Monday, October 23, 2006

So tie me to a tree...

Show You Love
by Jars of Clay

say the words that no one else will ever say
love like the world we know is over in a day

I'm gonna show you love in every language
I'm gonna speak with words that need no form
I'm gonna give you what you've never had before

You're beautiful
and I am weakened by the force of your eyes
So shime
bright to seperate the truth from the lies

I'm gonna show you love in every language
I'm gonna speak with words that need no form
I'm gonna give you what you've never had before

So tie me to a tree and let the smoke and ash collect
No, I won't regret to let love do what love will let
We can drown in mixed emotions
or walk across an angry sea
This is the cost of being free

I have no idea what Jars of Clay had in mind when they wrote and recorded this song. All I know, is that it stirs something deeper in me than what most might hear. It is probably just the way God wired my brain, but I seem to be extra sensitive to anything that has phrases like, "every language" in it.

Read these lyrics from the eyes and heart of a missionary. Hudson Taylor, Amy Carmichael or Jim Elliot could have written this song. How about world changing revolutionaries like William Tyndale and Martin Luther? I can hear them proclaiming their convictions:

I'm gonna show you love in every language
I'm gonna speak with words that need no form
I'm gonna give you what you've never had before

And that they did. And some died for the cause of Christ, screaming:

So tie me to a tree and let the smoke and ash collect
No, I won't regret to let love do what love will let
We can drown in mixed emotions
or walk across an angry sea
This is the cost of being free

What does love "let" sometimes? Love lets pain, heartache, tragedy, disaster, persecution, famine, nakedness, beatings and loneliness to show the world what true love is. True love for humanity exists in a life that is fully surrendered and in love with God, thus compelling that soul to spread the name of Jesus to those who have yet to experience His glory. Many a surrendered soul has faced persecution or death at the hands of those who were being shown love.

This is the cost of being free.


Blogger Dawn said...

I love this song too...haven't heard it in quite a while. I'd never thought that the last part about tying me to a tree was really saying "So burn me at the stake." Powerful.

12:00 PM  

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