Thursday, June 07, 2007

Life Ring
by Matt E.
When the towels are needin' foldin',
And there's kiddies runnin' round,
I'll toss me wife a life ring,
To ensure she doesn't drown.
But who would get a life ring,
In the middle of the sea,
Throw it back onto the ship
And say "You didn't toss like me?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, whoever wrote that obviosuly had some deep insights...

Appreciated your most recent post over at P&S about validity of lying to protect others, etc.

Definitely a topic of current interest.

1:12 AM  
Blogger Kathie said...

I know who wrote that and why :) I am always so pleased with how God answered our prayers.

8:18 AM  
Blogger Augustinian Successor said...


You're in Afghanistan, right now?


10:10 PM  
Blogger Augustinian Successor said...

So, you're NOT in Afghanistan, but IN the United States? Do you think that perhaps someday, perhaps in memory of something, someone that there would be a town or city or county in the US named/renamed Afghanistan? Perhaps in a not too distant future?

I'm asking as an outsider that has never been to the US before, that has not even been to Canada and that has never been to Mexico also.

8:23 PM  

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